Julijonas Urbonas
Jan Boelen
Assistant Curator:
Milda Batakytė
Julija Reklaitė
Laboratory design:
Isora x Lozuraityte Studio for Architecture
Deployable structures design:
Vladas Suncovas
Povilas Ambrasas
Graphic design and 3D scanner programming:
Studio Pointer*
Mindaugas Reklaitis
Jogintė Bučinskaitė and Vilius Balčiūnas
International Press Coordinator:
Marta Atzeni
Local Manager:
Marco Scurati
Eglė Kliučinskaitė and
Erika Urbelevič
Interactive Media Manager:
Ignas Pavliukevičius
Printer machine programming:
Andrius Mikonis
Presented by The Lithuanian National Museum of Art
Venue The Museum of Applied Art and Design
LRT,Media Traffic,Vilnius Academy of Arts
Collective, Edinburgh
Gallery Vartai, Vilnius
Gioielli Nascosti di Venezia
Girteka Logistics
National Gallery of Art, Vilnius
Science Gallery, Dublin
Media Partner:
Kosmica Institute
Lithuanian Aerospace Association
Lithuanian Culture Institute
Six Chairs Books
Vilnius Academy of Arts
Vilnius City Municipality
Vilnius Tech, Faculty of Architecture
Vilnius University
Daiva Lialytė
Darius Žakaitis
Deividas Rafanavičius
Justė Jonutytė
Laura Rutkutė
Lolita Jablonskienė
Marius Urbanavičius
Monika Mačiulytė
Rasa Antanavičiūtė
Thanks to:
Alessandro Zorzetto
Alexandre Humbert
Angelo Boscolo
Fred Rodrigues
Gabrielė Marija Vasiliauskaitė
Giedrė Kasparavičienė
Giulio Romoli
Jurij Dobriakov
Justė Kostikovaitė
Laura Gabrielaitytė-Kazulėnienė
Laure Miedico
Lina Vaitiekūnaitė
Margarita Alper
Marius Okockis
Maurizio Loi
Miglė Kolinytė
Toma Monginė
Vitalija Jasaitė
Yates Norton
autoriai | creative agency, Vilnius
Beni culturali Ecclesiastici, Patriarcato Venezia
Fondazione Servizi Venezia and I.P.A.V.
Lithuanian Embassy in Italy
L'Associazione Culturale Olivolo, Venezia
MO Museum, Vilnius
Benedikta Kanytė
Evelina Bartusevičiūtė
Gabija Strockytė
Ieva Butkutė
Izabelė Sauserytė
Rugilė Miliukaitė
Tadas Liudvinavičius
Vaiva Žemaitytė
Viktorija Matuzonytė
Viktorija Mištautaitė
Antanas Gerlikas
Kazimieras Sližys
Menų kalvė
Scenos darbai
Dmitrij Snegin
Local architect:
Laure Miedico
Model making:
Paulius Vitkauskas
Photo and video:
Aistė Valiūtė and Daumantas Plechavičius
Darius Petrulaitis
Laurynas Skeisgiela
Production volunteers:
Augustas Lapinskas
Elzė Andriuškevičiūtė
Emilija Filipenkovaitė
Erika Petreikytė
Gabrielė Černiavskaja
Gintarė Grikienytė
Guoda Šulskytė
Izabelė Jasaitytė
Laurynas Vaitkus
Lina Ušakova
Noatė Atkočiūnas
Ugnė Upė Pilitauskaitė
[ The Lithuanian Space Agency in Vilnius ]
→ Acclaimed by international audiences at the 17th Venice Biennale of Architecture two years ago, the project Planet of People, created by artist Julijonas Urbonas, is presented in Vilnius. After representing Lithuania at the prestigious event, the work was donated to the Lithuanian National Museum of Art, which exhibits this interactive installation in one of its branches, the Museum of Applied Art and Design, for half a year starting with the 28th of April.
[ About ]
→ The Lithuanian Space Agency (LSA) is an organisation that researches space architecture and gravitational aesthetics. The agency takes the radical and unique experiences of space to redefine who we are and what we can know and imagine.
→ The LSA focuses on exploring what the roles of architecture, design and art can be in the new space age, both globally and in the context of Lithuania. Bringing together a wide range of disciplines, the agency mobilises space research to address urgent questions about society, politics, the environment and culture in an era of rapid change.
→ The agency functions as an independent body, establishing temporary space-laboratories for their projects around the world on an ad hoc basis. The LSA founder is Julijonas Urbonas - artist, designer, researcher and engineer - who is behind all of the LSA projects, including the ambitious programme Planet of People, which is creating an artificial planet made of human bodies.
→ Each year, the LSA publishes a report providing an overview of the agency’s research, experiments, discoveries and achievements.
[ Projects ]
Lithuanian Space Agency at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia.
22 May – 21 November 2021
→ The LSA presents Julijonas Urbonas’ Planet of People, an artistic study into a hypothetical artificial planet made up of human bodies.
→ Instead of sending humans to colonise other planets, what if we catapult them into space to form a new planet - a planet of people?
→ The LSA presents a prototype to test this out and explores what it would actually take to realise such a planet. In this way, the project raises questions about our current and future life on Earth and beyond.
→ Planet of People uses a 3D scanner to scan the participants of the experiment and ‘send’ them into space as animated simulations. As more and more people participate over the course of the trial run in Venice, the scanned bodies begin to form an extra-terrestrial planet.

[ Shop ]

Lithuanian Space Agency: Annual Report No.1
→ For the 17th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, the Lithuanian Space Agency and its founder Julijonas Urbonas present Planet of People, an artistic and scientific study into a hypothetical artificial planet made up of human bodies. Along with the exhibition in Venice, the LSA introduces its first annual report.
→ In the first part of the report, Urbonas delves into the research on gravitational aesthetics which laid the ground for the invention of the Planet of People concept. Following this, the major part of the report is dedicated to outlining the development of Planet of People which pushes our imagination, as well as scientific and artistic research, to their limits.
→ The report includes a number of feasibility studies for Planet of People, submitted by the LSA’s scientific community. Coming from fields such as astrophysics, astroanthropology, astrobiology, space history and space arts, they explore what it would actually take to realise this architectural fiction and how this project provides us with a different perspective towards our current life on Earth.
With contributions by Michael Clormann, Régine Debatty, Vidas Dobrovolskas, Hu Fei and Jia Liu, Li Geng, Theodore W. Hall, Isora x Lozuraityte Studio for Architecture, Craig Jones, Rebekka Ladewig, Xin Liu, Lisa Messeri, Michael P. Oman-Reagan, Joseph Popper, Lauren Reid, He Renke, Fred Scharmen, Studio Pointer*, Ma Yansong and Zheng Yongchun.
Edited by Milda Batakytė, Julijonas Urbonas
Design by Studio Pointer* and Jan Egbers
Published by Six Chairs Books, Rupert and Gallery Vartai
Available at:
The LSA laboratory in Venice

The LSA Reflective Sticker
ø 75 mm
Reflective and adhesive sticker
→ Whether it is attached to a jacket, bicycle, helmet or bag, the LSA Reflective Sticker will keep this item visible in the dark. Made from high-quality materials, this sticker won’t leave any traces of glue and will survive through a washing machine. Initially, these figurines on the LSA Reflective Sticker were created as an official font for the Lithuanian Space Agency and were later transformed into adhesive stickers.
Features: waterproof, trace-free, multiple surface use: textile, leather, metal, plastic, rubber
Graphic design by Studio Pointer*
Reflective sticker design by Martynas Kazimierėnas
Produced by March
Available at:
The LSA laboratory in Venice
For any enquiries regarding the Reflective Sticker please contact:

The LSA Drawstring Bag
S (33 x 38 cm)
100% polyamide covered by aluminum film, waterproof material
→ This multi-purpose bag was designed specially for the Lithuanian Space Agency by Formuniform. The robust drawstring closing and opening system is suitable for the countless times you decide to put something in or take something out. The LSA Drawstring Bag is made from a lightweight and waterproof material. The texture of this fabric changes through the time: initially it is reflective and shiny, and later it wears off and gains a matt-like surface. This lightweight fabric bag is perfect for outings on Earth as well as in space.
Produced by Formuniform
Available at:
The LSA laboratory in Venice

The LSA Drawstring Tote Bag
M (overall: 43 x 49 cm; inside pocket: 20 x 15 cm; handles: 64 cm)
100% polyamide covered by aluminum film, waterproof material
→ This multi-purpose bag was designed specially for the Lithuanian Space Agency by Formuniform. The robust drawstring closing and opening system is suitable for the countless times you decide to put something in or take something out. The LSA Drawstring Bag is made from a lightweight and waterproof material. The texture of this fabric changes through the time: initially it is reflective and shiny, and later it wears off and gains a matt-like surface. This lightweight fabric bag is perfect for outings on Earth as well as in space.
Produced by Formuniform
Available at:
The LSA laboratory in Venice

The LSA Uniform (special edition)
38 x 82 cm, ø 23cm
34% polyamide, 19% bonding resin, 47% glass beads
→ The Lithuanian Space Agency along with Formuniform have created an official uniform which is now available for purchase. These reflective bib-like uniforms are perfect for visibility in dark exhibition spaces, streets at night, vacuum of the space and more. The uniform has the LSA’s logo on the front and a developing imagery on the back. These figurines on the LSA Uniform were initially created as an official font for the agency.
→ NB: The sweater in the photograph is not part of the uniform.
Graphic design by Studio Pointer*
Produced by Formuniform
Available at:
The LSA laboratory in Venice
The LSA Merch-set

Set 1: Lithuanian Space Agency: Annual Report No.1, the LSA Reflective Sticker

Set 2: Lithuanian Space Agency: Annual Report No.1, the LSA Reflective Sticker and the LSA Drawstring Bag (S)

Set 3: Lithuanian Space Agency: Annual Report No.1, the LSA Reflective Sticker and the LSA Drawstring Totebag (M)
→ You can support the Lithuanian Space Agency by purchasing our Merch-set! The LSA Merch-sets include Lithuanian Space Agency: Annual Report No.1, the LSA’s first publication which discusses the pre-history of its development as well as presents past and ongoing projects, including Planet of People. The set comes with the LSA Reflective Sticker created by March. The graphic design for the sticker is based on the official font of the LSA by Studio Pointer*. The aluminum covered fabric bags in the set were designed specially for the LSA by formuniform. These bags will be perfect for outings on Earth as well as in space.
→ On the purchase of this set, you can leave your full name at the checkout and the LSA will be happy to announce you among our sponsors on the LSA’s website.
Set 1: €50
Set 2: €100
Set 3: €150
Available at:
The LSA laboratory in Venice
Pickup points:
Lithuania - Six Chairs Books, Vilnius
Italy - Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Derelitti, Barbaria delle Tole, 6691, (Castello) 30122 Venezia VE, Italy
[ Press ]
→ For media inquiries, further information, image requests and interviews please contact us at:
[ Contact ]
Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Derelitti
Barbaria delle Tole, 6691,
(Castello) 30122 Venezia VE, Italy
Opening times:
22 May - 21 November 2021
10:00 - 19:00 h
Closed on Mondays
Every person must present an EU Covid Certificate (Green Pass) to access the Lithuanian Pavilion.
23 May - 21 November 2021
18:00 h
→ Registration
Up to 60 people in the space during visiting hours.
Up to 30 people during the daily guided tours.
Always wear a mask.
Use hand sanitizer.
Keep a safe distance from other pavilion’s visitors.
Wear specially provided gloves to touch any of the merchandise.
Please follow exit signs on your way out.
Visitors at times might be asked to take their temperature at the entrance.
Please do not enter the pavilion if you have any Covid-19 related symptoms.
All of the pavilion’s assistants are vaccinated.
We regularly disinfect the exhibition elements for your safety.